A selection of useful links
- Blogs (Andrew Gelman, Christian Robert, David Spiegelhalter, Deborah Mayo, Frank Harrell etc)
- Contract Research Organisations (Covance, Parexel, Quanticate etc.)
- Datasets (Interesting data-sets or reference sets for analysis)
- Drug Regulatory Agencies (MHRA, FDA, EMA etc. and also the CONSORT statement)
- EBM (Evidence based medicine pages and various health projects: Bandolier, Cochrane, NICE etc)
- Education (European Course in Pharmaceutical Medicine etc.)
- Health Economics and Epidemiology
- Journals and Other Publications (SiM, BMJ, Biostatistics etc.)
- National and International Statistical Organisations (WHO, UN, ONS, CDC, OECD etc.)
- Pharma Companies
- Pharma Organisations(ABPI, PhRMA, DIA etc.)
- Pharma Web-Sites
- Publishers of Statistics Monographs (Wiley, CRC, Dekker, Springer, Cambridge , Oxford etc)
- Software Companies, Software and Shareware
- Statistical Jobs (and recruiting agents)
- Statistics about Drug Development, Commercial Databases, Register of Trials Statistical Societies and Organisations (PSI, RSS, ASA etc)
- Useful or Interesting Statistics Links (Advice, web-texts, data-sets, directories, encyclopaedias, indexes and histories)
Andrew Gelman's Blog (Famous statistical blog) Dianthus Various blogs by Adam Jacobs
Error Statistical Philosophy Philosopher of science Deborah Mayo's Stats and Philo blog
John D Cook's Blog An interesting (and sometimes challenging) stats blogPharma Marketing Blog OK It's not statistics but it's still relevent.
Rectofossal Ambiguity "microbiology, food, plague, science, stupidity" Social Science Space Interesting website on science and societyStatistical Thinking Blog of legendary applied statistician and statistical programmer Frank Harrell
Stephen Senn's blogs and web papers Links to various blogs etc of mine The Stats Geek Jonathan Bartlett puts the geek in stats or vice versaUnderstanding Uncertainty (Entertaining and thought-provoking site run by David Spiegelhalter)
Xi'An'S Og Gnomic utterences from an eastern mystic who seems to share a remarkable number of interests with western Bayesian statistician and mountain climber Christian Robert
Contract Research Organisations
aCROnordic A/S (Previously SPADILLE)
CovanceIDV AG - Individuelle Datenverarbeitungssysteme München
iddi - international drug development institute
Optimata Predictive biosimulation
Quanticate Previously Statwood and Oxford Pharmaceutical Sciences
Robertson Centre for Biostatistics
Stephen Senn consultancy My consultancy page
SON clinical Previously Syne Qua Non
Datasets and other data resources
Biologic Specimen and Data Repository Information Coordinating Center (Data sets from NHLBI clinical trials etc.)
The Data and Story Library (DASL. Useful source of teaching examples)
Demographic and Health Surveys
G A P M I N D E R : HOME (Brilliant website with statistics for many countries over several decades)
Health Data Tools and Statistics
The Royal Statistical Society Series A Dataset Website (Data to accompany papers in JRSS A journals)
Statistical Reference Datasets (Guinea-pigs for your research)
Statistical Science Web: Data Sets
Stephen Senn's Data Sets Data from various of my papers
Drug Regulatory Agencies and other Related Sites
Therapeutic Goods Adminstration (ACPM) Australian agency
Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC)
Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative FDA sponsord initiative at Duke University
ECRIN European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
MHRA (Medicines and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency, UK )
NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence)
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
WMA - The World Medical Association
ACDRS American Course on Drug Development and Regulatory Science
ECPM European Course in Pharmaceutical Medicine
Evidence based health pages and other medical advice
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine University of Oxford site
Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatments (DUETs)
Equator network Enhacing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research
flurespEuropean Union funded project on influenza
Health Knowledge"Expanding public health knowledge": Stats resource for health care professionals
IDEAL Integrated Design and AnaLysis of small population group trials European Union FP7 project href="http://www.jameslindlibrary.org/">James Lind Library (History of controlled comparisons in medicine)
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination( University of York )
National Institute for Clinical Excellence
WBMD.COM | Better Information. Better Health.
Wiley InterScience: Reference Work: The Cochrane Library
Health Economics and Epidemiology
HERU (Health Economics Research Unit) - University of Aberdeen
iHEA | International Health Economics Association
ISPOR: International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Journals and Other Publications
Advances in Methodology and Statisticsmetodolo�ki zvezki(Slovenian journal)ki
American Statistical Association journals (JASA, American Statistician, etc.)
Bayesian AnalysisBioMed Central | BMC Medical Research Methodology
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Clinical TrialsJournal of the Society for Clinical Trials
Contemporary Clinical Trials formerly Controlled Clinical Trials
The Devil's Drug Development Dictionary
IMS Publications (Annals, Statistical Science)
International Journal of Epidemiology
JAMA Journal of the American Medical AssociationThe Lancet
Methods of Information in Medicine
The New England Journal of Medicine
Royal Society PublishingThe Royal Statistical Society - The Journal: Series A, B and C
SignificanceStatistical Issues in Drug Development
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
TEST Magazine (Spanish Statistical Society)
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (formerly Drug Information Journal
National and International Statistical Organisations
Statistics Canada ( 'Canadian Links Data' : this is the almost the only joke on this page.)
CDC (US Centre for Disease Control)
Eurostat (European Union's Statistical Organisation)
European Centre for Disease Control ECDC (not to be confused with AC/DC)
EuroSurveillance (European Union infectious diseases surveillance site)
General Register Office for Scotland
INSEE - National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies - France
ONS: Office for National Statistics (UK)
Swiss Federal Office for Statistics
United Nations Statistics Division
Pharma Companies
LundbeckMerck (US company)
Merck KGaA (German company)
Pharma Organisations
ABPI: Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science (previously CMR)
DIA: Drug Information Association
EPSA European Pharmaceutical Students Association
IFAPP : International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine
IFPMA: International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations
Innovative Medicines Initatitive
Medicines Development independent not-for-profit global health company
OHE: Office of Health Economics
Pharma Web-Sites (including trial summaries and registers)
Amgen - Patients - Clinical Trials: Amgentrials.com
AstraZeneca Clinical Trials - Information on AstraZeneca-sponsored clinical trials
CenterWatch Database of Study Results
ClincalStudy Data Request Collaborative platform for accessing data from various pharmaceutical companies and bodies (GSK, Roche, Novartis, MRC etc.)
DrugWatch Information on drug side-effects and interactions
Publishers of Statistical Monographs
Software Companies, Software and Shareware
AD Model Builder (Nonlinear statistical models package)
AdClin : Smart Clinical Software
Alfasoft (Market Mathcad, and many other packages in the UK )Biostat (Comprehensive Meta-analysis, Power and Precision etc.)
The BUGS Project Front page at the MRC for the famous Bayesian software ("Simulation: how Bayesian came to like frequencies after all")
Centre for Multilevel Modelling (ML-Win etc)
Exploristics KwerusCloud Design and Analysis Software
Jim Kepner's Sample Size Calculator
Mango Solutions(Data
analysis, Application Development and R Training) MathWorks MATLAB etc MIXMeta-analysis made easy MONOLIX (Non linear mixed effects software)
NCSS (PASS etc.)
OriginLab (ORIGIN curve fitting and statistical analysis software)
Palisade(Decision analysis software: @RISK, Precision Tree etc)
Phase Forward: Integrated Clinical and Safety Data Management Systems
Phastar(Clinical trials reporting tool, SAS wizards etc.)
PowerSampleSize (Dupont and Plummer's sample size shareware)
R Project (Free GNU statistical software)
RPACT R package for adaptive clinical trials
Russ Lenth's power and sample-size page
SaTScanFree software for Spatial and Time Scan statistics
Sigmasoft_ Data management software for clinical trials
Macros written by Jim Weir and Stephen SennSPC Software for Manufacturing Quality Control | DataNet Quality Systems - WinSPC.com
Statistical Solutions (BMDP, SOLAS, nQuery, EquivTest, Patient Profiles, SYSTAT, etc.)
SymCYP Population based pharmacokinetic modelling and simulationTIBCO (Spotfire etc.)
VSN (Genstat)
Wolfram Research, Inc. (Mathematica)
Statistical Jobs and Recruitment Consultants
Liftstream (Liftstream - Life sciences recruitment)
Key People Occupational Health, Pharmaceutical, Health & Safety and Banking Recruitment
Maths Careers (Council for Mathematical Sciences Site)
Statistics about Drug Development, Commercial Databases, Register of Trials etc. (See also PharmaWebsites)
ClinicalTrials.gov - Information on Clinical Trials and Human Research Studies (NIH)
General Practice Research Database
PharmGKB: The Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base
WHO | International Clinical Trials Registry Platform
Statistical Societies, Networks and Organisations
Analytic Bridge (Site set up by Vincent Granville to link modellers)
ASA:American Statistical Association
Basler Biometrische Sektion (BBS)
SBS/BVS Belgian Statistical Society
Biopharmaceutical Section of ASA
BMS en ANed Dutch
EFMI Web Portal - Home European Federation for Medical Informatics
EFSPI European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry
ENBIS European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics
Föreningen för Medicinsk Statistik Swedish (English version)
GMDS (in German)
IMS: Institute of Mathematical Statistics
International Biometric Society
ICSA - International Chinese Statistical Association
The International Society of Biopharmaceutical StatisticsISCB (International Society for Clinical Biostatistics)
ISI: International Statistical Institute
PSI: Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry
RSS: Royal Statistical Society
SAMSI - Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
SCT: Society for Clinical Trials
SISMEC (Italian)Societa Italiana di Statistica Medica ed Epidemiologic Clinica
SSAI Statistical Society of Australia Inc
Useful or Interesting Statistics Links
CAST (Doug Stirling's interactive online statistics textbook)
DataBlog Guardian website providing data on the web and encouraging members of the public to post analyses
Directory of Academic Statisticians
Figures from the History of Probability & Statistics (John Aldrich's site)
The R.A. Fisher Digital Archive ( University of Adelaide site with Fisher's papers and correspondence)
GapMinder : brilliant graphics on global demographic and economic trends
History of Statistics ( York University site)
Innocentive Open Innovation | Innovation Management (Ideas exchange for problem posers and solvers)
Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages (Part of the StatPages.net website)
Mathematics and Statistics conferences (Conference alerts)
MacTutor History of Mathematics (Site with biographies of many mathematicians)
MathWorld (Wolfram's extremely useful maths encyclopedia)
The SCAM project: Simplicity, Complexity and Modelling
Smart centre Durham University Smart Centre
Straight Statistics (Campaigning website set up by Lord Lipsey and run by Nigel Hawkes)
UCLA Statistical Computing Resources (Excellent site giving wonderful support on many aspects of statistical computing.)
Understanding Uncertainty (Entertaining and thought-provoking site run by David Spiegelhalter)